Sunday, March 23, 2014

A New Start

Hi all,

It has been a really long time for me since I actually wrote something on here. Its been a long few months with my cousins wedding, applying for jobs, social work school and the holidays. Now things have quieted down I am about to come clean. Life after liquid has been really hard and during liquid too.

In 2011 I started the process for bariatric surgery and didnt do my legwork. I was medically cleared and then my insurance denied me. So then I decided to do optifast. I then got really desponded and upset over this. Then I decided to do Optifast.

Optifast seemed to be the answer for me at the time despite the 95% rate and I did well with Optifast I lost 81lbs! But there was NO transition plan. I decided to try Weight Watchers before I knew it I gained back all the weight and then some. I lied to myself for the past few months worked out and had a lot of problems. I said to myself something has to be done. 

So finally everything with my life seemed to fall into place, my Mom is getting better, I landed a great job and have wonderful health care coverage. I also got into Social Work School. I knew that now was the time for me to do this. I had wanted to do this surgery for a long time. But I needed my parents approval mostly my Mother's. She would hate the idea of me having elective surgery she did not do well enough with the gallbladder fiasco of 2012. 

Well this is how it went: We are sitting visiting a family member at a rehab place they had an injury. My mom starts complaining about her weight and that she wants to have surgery and she was joking I blurted out Mom I am having it done I have already decided to go to seminar. She said go for it Katie. I then decided to go for it. This is how it all has happened 

1. I called the surgeons office and decided to go with another group and called my new insurance company and I do have the beenfit. 
2. Went to seminar and the support group and saw my PCP I am now gonna have surgery!